Monday, April 28, 2008
Rising to the Occasion

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Soccer Revisited

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Soccer Trauma
The team started strong, with Emma as goalie, but then Täby kicked their first goal to lead 1-0. Emma almost saved the second goal, but the ball bounced off her knees, straight back to the kicker who had another go. The ball bounced off Emma again, buth this time it went in to the goal. (2-0 Täby) She dissolved into floods of tears, and was comforted by the team before being replaced by Lydia. After Täby scored their 3rd goal (3-0), Lydia burst into huge sobs, and was replaced by Emma (again). Then early in the second half, Emma stopped a goal with her head, more tears, and Annika stepped in to fill the position. Täby kicked a hard ball, high, and Annika tried to stop it with her thumb. She started crying, partly because her thumb hurt, and partly because she didn't save the goal. (At this point, the coach was looking a bit frustrated.) So finally, Paulina stepped in and managed to survive yet another goal. Final score? 5-0 Täby, and four girls who will not be so eager to play goalie again. Hope the second game goes better!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
It's Just Not Me

The Generosity of Sweden
It was a tense night, with an appointment time today, and lots of reassuring chatter from the nurse, saying that many, many women get recalled. So I was back this morning for more pictures, 6 more mammogram shots and two ultrasounds on different machines, and then they decided on a biopsy. Just for reference, it does not feel like the mosquito bite that was promised. And also, just for reference, one is not enough. So just when you thought it was over...
Now for the waiting. And to the dictionary to find out what a "bindvävsknuta" is (something benign - and hopefully what I have).
I was extremely impressed by their thoroughness, but the parting moments were less than reassuring. Though all of the radiologists and nurses had been encouraging, reassuring and exemplary, the receptionist at the end did not give me my promised time with the "breast doctor" next week, and then charged me 200 kr for the analysis of the results. She then presented me with a "high cost" card, to keep track of all these small payments and ensure that my medical bills do not exceed a certain amount. I am so not ready for that card. Please.
(Update - apparently I don't have anything dangerous, just a "friendly change" that they will check again in 9 months. Whew!)
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Slings and Tooth Fairies
And Benjamin lost a front tooth, and now looks so "six". Of course, David and I were deep into three episodes of 24, and forgot that the tooth fairy should have come. Bad parents. But she came the next night. I promise - we'll do better next time!
The Year of the Mud
That said, perhaps it is better that winter was mild, since we were missing an outer wall in the kitchen for most of December, January and February. But next year, some freezing weather would be nice...
Who Can You Believe?
So I checked out their blogs, just to see what they were writing that was so popular, and deserving of - what would you call it - unofficial advertising? Bribery? One woman had no kids and a tattoo, and wrote mostly about fashion. How toys would fit in to her readership is a bit of a stretch for me.
The other one was a mom of three, who had a poorly formatted blog which she updates seemingly 3-4 times a day, full of photos of her 3-month old, 4-year-old (and a surprisingly absent 8-year-old) and her shopping experiences. It looked to me like she empties her shopping bags each time she had been out for a major shopping trip (once a week?!?) and took a photo of each item, uploaded it and gave it a title. Her counter said she had 192,000 hits. Amazing. I don't think I get any hits (there must be a counter somewhere), and at least I try to be somewhat interesting. Would I want to be read by 192,000 people? Doubtful. Would my children like their cute/embarassing stories read by that many? Certainly not. Anyway, now to draft a polite but firm no way message, and invite them to review any products they see fit.