Thursday, April 24, 2008

Soccer Trauma

Annika had her first football match...

The team started strong, with Emma as goalie, but then Täby kicked their first goal to lead 1-0. Emma almost saved the second goal, but the ball bounced off her knees, straight back to the kicker who had another go. The ball bounced off Emma again, buth this time it went in to the goal. (2-0 Täby) She dissolved into floods of tears, and was comforted by the team before being replaced by Lydia. After Täby scored their 3rd goal (3-0), Lydia burst into huge sobs, and was replaced by Emma (again). Then early in the second half, Emma stopped a goal with her head, more tears, and Annika stepped in to fill the position. Täby kicked a hard ball, high, and Annika tried to stop it with her thumb. She started crying, partly because her thumb hurt, and partly because she didn't save the goal. (At this point, the coach was looking a bit frustrated.) So finally, Paulina stepped in and managed to survive yet another goal. Final score? 5-0 Täby, and four girls who will not be so eager to play goalie again. Hope the second game goes better!

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